PokerStat Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This software is provided as-is, without warranty of ANY KIND, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of PokerStat, including lost profits, losing money, loss of data or programs, or any other outcome resulting from use of PokerStat. Basically, YOU USE POKERSTAT AT YOUR OWN RISK. USE OF THIS PROGRAM IMPLIES ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS.


1. Can I use a single registration on multiple computers?
2. Can I use a single PokerStat registration with multiple user accounts?
3. Can you give me some tips on how to use the data PokerStat produces?
4. What happens when the hand history format changes?
5. How do I view my tournament, hold'em, omaha, hi-lo, etc. hands? How do I view different types of hands?
6. When I upgrade to PokerStat 2, will I lose my PokerStat 1 database?

1. Can I use a single registration on multiple computers?

   Yes, you can. When you purchase a registration of PokerStat, you are purchasing a license to use PokerStat with one UserID. There are no restrictions on number of computers PokerStat can be installed on. If you have a laptop and desktop, you can install and use PokerStat on both.

2. Can I use a single PokerStat registration with multiple user accounts?

   No, you must purchase a registration of PokerStat for each user account you with to use PokerStat with. For example, if you have two accounts that you play, you must purchase two licenses. A household consisting of two people who each have a separate UserID must purchase two licenses, also. If two people share an account, only one purchased license of PokerStat is required.
Click here instructions on how to setup two or more UserIDs with one installation of PokerStat.

3. Can you give me some tips on how to use the data PokerStat produces?

   Here's some advice from one of the top online poker players in the world:

   The most important stat on an opponent would be his flop-seeing frequency, the second most important would be his blind releasing frequency (in tighter games). This info alone makes PS worth purchasing. Actually, there's no other opponent stat in PokerStat that is worth looking at during actual play.

   From my own 8-10 players profile:
   Did not fold preflop: 21.82%
   Fold to steal raise when big blind: 36%

   Anybody who sees more than 35% of the flops is definitely a fish, avoid the guys with < 23%, especially their raises. If you see a player releasing more than 55% of his big blinds to a steal raise, you can (but probably shouldn't as you don't want him to get sick of it and tighten up) attack him from cutoff and button with ANY hand.

   Away from the table, perusing opponent's starting hands is a source of valuable info as is thinking about other stats of his/hers. I repeat, do not pay attention to other opponent stats during actual play, it's not worth it. Do it away from the table.

   And most importantly, look hard at your own stats. PS's power lies within the realm of self improvement, not opponent crushing. It will give you more valuable info on yourself than on your opposition.

   Of course, this is all very hush-hush. I didn't tell you any of this.

4. What happens when the hand history format changes?

   PokerStat is usually updated to handle the new hand history format very quickly. In the past, format changes took 1-3 days to be implemented into PokerStat, because changes in hand history formats were always minor.

5. How do I view my tournament, hold'em, omaha, hi-lo, etc. hands? How do I view different types of hands?

   Go to the [Queries] menu, and choose the last entry, [Set Queries hand (game) type]. Choose the type of hand/game you want to view. Then either open a new query or go to an existing query that you are viewing, and press the "Get Data" button.

6. When I upgrade to PokerStat 2, will I lose my PokerStat 1 database?

   No, unless you have PokerStat Omaha. PokerStat 2 can convert a PokerStat 1 Hold'Em database to a PokerStat 2 database just fine! Unfortunately it cannot convert a PokerStat 1 Omaha database. You'll have to read in your hands again if you have PokerStat Omaha 1 and want to upgrade to version 2. Email us if you have any questions!


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